01 Oct

The Ladies LINKS group of Newport Beach Country Club in NewportBeach CA recently celebrated their seventh anniversary. Our LINKS fellowship meets Friday mornings, winter, spring, summer and fall, rain or shine. Though some groups chose to take a summer break, we meet year-round because some of our members head out to Palm Springs for the winter, so summer is the only time we have the joy of their company. Even during the challenging “season” of the COVID crisis, we moved our gathering outdoors and forged on! One of our founders, Judy Muncy, has been admirably faithful to her call as facilitator of the group. She is the hostess extraordinaire as she makes sure coffee and snacks are available and awaits the first arrival each Friday morning. With a warm welcome and our handouts for the week ready to go. Judy loves LINKS and has been a consistent source of encouragement for others to join the group since its inception. 

Here is how Judy describes her involvement with LINKS: “When Doug got involved with LINKS, he shared their format and it spoke to me:A combination of golf and the Bible which facilitates a discussion.Thus, Ladies LINKS was started at our club!!!I continue to be excited to prepare a table and witness the wonderful discussions that are generated each week!!Witnessing the growth of our group and everyone’s participation has been amazing….. we care, share, learn and pray! What is said at links stays there so every women feels safe and loved!We are evolving, learning about God’s word and many are eager to share!”

Each woman brings a unique perspective to our study and our sharing is always a rich source of insight and encouragement. Some of the gals are weekly golfers and some members don’t golf at all. We find common ground around our table each week and nurture friendships that make the blessing of club life even more rich.Another one of the groups founders, Kelli Schwartz, is a member of the So.Cal and Las Vegas Area Director, Dereck Wong’s, advisory board. She would love the opportunity to meet with any woman in our geographical area feeling called to consider starting a LINKS fellowship at their club. She encourages you to invest some prayer time in the idea of a Ladies LINKS group at your club. “You may golf with girlfriends at your club, but you don’t really know them until you GOD with them!” 

You can contact Kelli atschwartzfamilyx4@gmail.com .

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