Being part of a LINKS Fellowship and sharing life on a deeper level with women I met on the golf course, as well as through our club, was a life-changer. It made the Bible come alive just as described in Mark 12:30-31: When we love God with our soul (emotionally), we are empowered to love him with our mind (biblically) and strength (practically), which leads us to practical ministry as we share his love with others. It’s simply the best! 

Pam Carlson Greenville, SC

 I joined Links after one of our leaders said that she had found "peace and joy" through her Christian beliefs. Having that comfort was very appealing to me. While I have always been a Christian, my understanding of what that truly meant was lacking. Through our Links group, I have gained a better knowledge about what the Bible says about being a Christian, enjoyed the constant learning process, met many lovely ladies, have benefited from hearing their stores and sharing my own and have captured more "peace and joy 

Marianne Beaz Newport Beach, CA

 LINKS has become a place where I look forward to fellowship with my sisters in Christ. We can be transparent and vulnerable and connect anew through the guidance of the Holy Spirit who indwells each of the gals who attend. LINKS also provides a source of mutual accountability as we make sure we are all staying on the right track pursuing God and His goodness for our lives 

Sharon MacDougall Newport Beach, CA

 Our bible studies which meet every Thursday at 10 am at Pine Lakes Country Club has been a life-changing spiritual growth for me with exclusive in-depth studies and prayers . I am passionate about sharing the truth and pointing other women back to Jesus Christ through God’s written word as the standard of authority for Christian living and instructions while being led by the Holy Spirit . When l know more about God, l realize the Bible is not a mere book but God’s living Word to me. And it takes on a whole new meaning, walking with the Lord , there is a “ Joy inexpressible “. I also realized that Prayer is communication with the all-knowing , all loving God , that He made me before the foundation of the world and called me his child . 

Yim Belote Myrtle Beach, SC